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About Us

Welcome to GreenLexi!

We are Artez & Dorinda Young, a husband-and-wife duo with a passion for entrepreneurship and a genuine devotion to seeing businesses flourish. We are thrilled to extend our hands to you as we embark on this empowering mission together.

GreenLexi stands as a modern tribute to Victor Hugo’s the Green Book. This historic guide enabled Black Americans to travel with both safety and dignity during the Era of segregation.

Creating Connections, Fostering Unity

Reviving Commerce, Empowering Communities

Our mission at GreenLexi is to rekindle the vibrancy of commerce in once-thriving neighborhoods and ignite fresh vitality in areas where remarkable Black and other minority-owned enterprises can serve those in search of excellence.

Empowerment for All

Under-represented businesses hold immense potential to make a transformative impact. By employing minority workers, they uplift those most affected by unemployment.

Increased Visibility

Connect With Other Businesses

Building Community One Relationship At A Time

Watch Your Sales Accelerate

Tell Your Story, Your Way

Provide Resources and Tools For Your Personal Growth

A journey toward thriving businesses, vibrant communities, and a brighter tomorrow. Join us on this exciting adventure!

Our journey is your journey

GreenLexi, LLC is a resource designed to inform and educate consumers in relation to products and/or services that they seek to use. GreenLexi is an economic habitat seeking to strengthen minority-owned businesses while empowering consumers. GreenLexi is a platform that houses a collective of minority-owned businesses in the directory. The ultimate goal of GreenLexi is to be a knowledge base for consumers in the marketplace while facilitating connectivity to businesses that can service needs or provide products based on the library of information shared with them.

A Heartfelt Desire for Success

Our story began with an aspiration to witness businesses not just survive, but thrive. When a community rallies around its people, the potential for prosperous and wholesome neighborhoods skyrockets.

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